Saturday 2 February 2008

Serial Killer's

feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, sometimes owing to humiliation, bullying, and abuse in childhood and/or the pressures of poverty and low socioeconomic status in adulthood, are mostly the uderlying circumstances because of which a person would turn into a serial killer.

The FBI defines serial murder as:
• A minimum of three to four victims, with a "cooling off" period in between;
• The killer is usually a stranger to the victim — the murders appear
unconnected or random;
• The murders reflect a need to sadistically dominate the victim;
• The murder is rarely "for profit"; the motive is psychological, not
• The victim may have "symbolic" value for the killer; method of killing may
reveal this meaning;
• Killers often choose victims who are vulnerable (prostitutes, runaways, etc.)

Theory also suggests that a serial killer has not developed basic levels of emotional control and that, as a result, a serial killer has "feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, sometimes owing to humiliation and abuse" which draw them to killing; rather, the act of killing is actually a kind of experimentation, which is uninhibited due to the subject's low or non-existent level of sympathy/empathy with the victims. It is arguable that serial killers are in fact trying to understand their own existence by inflicting pain, killing, and experimenting with victims' dead bodies.

The element of fantasy in a serial killer's development is extremely important. They often begin fantasizing about murder during or even before adolescence.Most serial killers when caught and tried in court of law plead not guilty by reason of insanity or split personality...
By large serial killers are put into 2 categorised organised and dis-organised.... by large all serial killers start out as organised killers but eventualy they become careless and thats when they are mostly caught coz they start leaving behind clues.
Serial killers by large are people with good level of IQ and are very intelligent. They are people with good communication skills coz most of them lure victims with their sweet talk. Some of them even identify a victim and groom the victim before they finally kill them.
Serial kilers have a pattern of kiling... they have something common between all their killings which forms a patters and also their identity. The brutality with which a serial killer excutes a victim shows the mental status of the killer.

to be continued

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